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Dr.Anand Dharaskar - Kidney Stone Specialist in Pimpri Chinchwad

Dr. Anand Dharaskar  is among the Best Urologist, Andrologist and stone specialist in Pimpri Chinchwad. He is working in Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital as a Associate Consultant in Renal Sciences department . His speciality in Laparoscopic Urology Renal Transplantation Endourology Uro-oncology. He has Twelve years of surgical experience, have nine years experience of exclusive urology work and Worked in P.D. Hinduja Hospital, BMHRC, Bhopal and SGPGIMS, Lucknow.

He is a Part of core team at Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital that is responsible for developed and established of Laparoscopic Urology and Renal Transplantation.

He has twelve years of surgical experience  in P.D. Hinduja Hospital, BMHRC, Bhopal and SGPGIMS Lucknow. SGPGIMS is known worldwide for its through and dedicated urology training offered to chosen candidates .

Fellowships / Associations

  • Member of Urology Society of India (USI)
  • Member of Royal College Of Surgeon of Edinburgh, UK
  • Member of American Urology association (AUA)
Work  experience and clinical postings
Basic surgical training
This includes 3 years of postgraduate training in general surgery for M. S.  (General surgery) with teaching experience.
Conducted general surgical procedure in routine and emergency independently and under supervision.
Major portion of surgical  workload was urological including open stone and prostate surgery
2) Administrative experience  of one year as incharge of primary heath centre (PHC) in small town of maharashtra state.
PHC has staff of 50 with main thrust on implementation of national health policy.
Professional Education
 Medical graduation
Government medical college, Nagpur, Maharashtra , India.
Aug 1993 – Dec 1997
2) Medical internship
Jan 1998- Dec 1998
Government medical college Nagpur and Rural Hospital Chikhali , Buldhana , Maharashtra  , India.
3) Medical Officer (incharge)
March 1999 -Feb 2000
Primary Health Centre, at Konsari,  Gadchiroli , Maharashtra , India.
4) Postgraduate training in general surgery for M. S.  (General surgery)
April 200- Dec 2002
Government Medical College , Nagpur ,Maharashtra, India.
5) Appeared for MRCS Edinburgh UK
Completed part I in 2003
6) Clinical assistant in surgical oncology
P D Hinduja national hospital , Mumbai , Maharashtra  , India.
Sept 2003 – March 2004
7) Senior resident in urology
Bhopal memorial hospital and research centre , Bhopal , Madhya Pradesh , India. June 2004 – Jan 2007
8) MRCS Edinburgh UK
Completed Part II in 2005, Got the  Membership of Royal College Of Surgeons Of  Edinburgh UK.
9) Superspeciality surgical training for  M Ch (urology and renal transplantation)
Senior resident in urology and renal transplantation, Department of urology and renal transplantation, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical sciences , Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh , India 226014
Before MCh training –
As a senior resident for two and half years in superspeciality centre with endourology and ESWL facility.
This includes emergency services , preoperative and postoperatice care , bedside urodynamics and OPD schedules .
Operative workload included endourology , laparoscopic urology and urooncology .
Hands on training of  percutaneous drainage of obstructed kidneys (PCN), PCNL , ureteroscopy and cystoscopy was done.
A major portion of operative list was laparoscopic urology .
During MCh –
Three years of extensive training in OPD, OT , post operative units and urology ward .
Special emphasis on endourology, laparoscopy and renal transplantation .
Subspeciality training was in pediatric urology and female urology.
This also includes teaching experience.
Consultant in Urology –
Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital, Thergaon , Pune , India
Since 23 Aug 2010 – at present working
I run my independent OPD and manage indoor patients.
At ABMH pune I am doing HoLEP , PCNL , URS with laser , TURP , VIU and laparoscopic simple nephrectomy , radical nephrectomy , lap pyeloplsty , pyelolithotomy as a routine.
We did over 170 live related kidney transplantations.
Honorary urologist in YCM hospital of PCMC since Dec 2011- for 2 years approximately –
I have managed weekly OPD of 30 patients along with one OT per week.
Cases like TURP, VIU , urethroplasty and laparoscopic pyeloplasty were done as a service to society .
Special urology interest –
Endourology, Laparoscopic urology, Renal transplantation
National urology conferences
USICON 2005  Ahmadabad   Gujrat
USICON 2009 Indore MP
USICON 2010 Agra  UP
Zonal conferences
NZUSICON 2008  Lucknow UP
NZUSICON 2009  Allahabad   UP
NZUSICON 2010   Amritsar   Punjab
International conference
Asian congress of urology 2008 New Delhi
GROS 2012 on laparoscopic urology along with robotic surgery at Pune
Endourology 2012 , at Ace hospital pune on laparoscopic urology and laser prostate surgeries as a faculty.
1) Does extended lymph node dissection affect the survival in Ca bladder?
2) Early Complications And Mortality After Ileal Orthotopic Neobladder For Transitional Cell Cancer of bladder .
3) Evaluation Of Extended Lymphadenectomy And Separate Package Lymph Node Evaluation After Radical Cystectomy.
4) Should PSA threshold be reduced fron 4 ng/ml to diagnose more  cancer prostate in Indian patients ?
5) Impact of tumor stage at the time of radical cystectomy on overall survival in patients with bladder cancer.
6) Minimally invasive open radical cystectomy (MIORC )
Should fexible uerteroscope be added to our armamentarium to treat stone disease ? Indian J Urol 2008;24:513-516
Minimal invasive treatment in pelviureteric junction obstruction of low volume. A comparative study of endopyelotomy and laparoscopic non dismembered pyeloplasty . Indian J Urol 2009;25:68-71
Association of tumor necrosis factor – alpha gene (T- 1031C, C-863A and C 857T) polymorphism with bladder cancerv susceptibility and outcome after bacilli calmette – Guerin immunotherapy BJU Int 2009 Sept ;104(6):867-73
Does extended pelvic lymphadenectomy affect lymph node density and survival after radical cystectomy ? (  Indian J Cancer 2011 Apr-Jun;48(2):230-3. )
KTP laser photoselective vaporization of the prostate: an initial experience (Turkish J Urology 2011; 37: 316-320)
Technical steps of open radical cystectomy and orthotopic neobladder to achieve the goals of “minimally invasive surgery”?  Indian J Urol 2010 Jul;(26)3:457-60
Laparoscopic nephrectomy for pyonephrosis during pregnancy: case report and review of the literature. (Rev Urol. 2011;13(2):98-103.)
Two of  brilliant teachers can contacted on their mobile and email , from whom I have learned a lot and I have spent my formative  years in urology .
  • Dr Aneesh shrivastava
Proff of renal transplant, SGPGIMS ,Lucknow  UP
Email-   aneesh892012@gmail.com
Mobile-  +91-9415011093
  • Dr Nand Kishore Arvind
HOD , Dept of Urology, BMHRC, Bhopal , MP
Email-    nand_arvind@yahoo.com
Mobile –  +91-9425014748

Mon: 6:15 PM -9:00PM

Tue: 5:55 PM -9:00PM

Wed-Fri: 6:00 PM -9:00PM

Sat: 6:00 PM -9:05PM

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